2019 Greg and Pauline Residence: General Construction, Electrical Construction - Grasston, MN
2018 SFO-8: AWS Data Center - San Francisco, CA
2017 Facebook: NAO Data Center, New Albany, OH
2017 Vantage; DS2 Data Center, Santa Clara, CA
2017 Vantage McLaren Data Center 100MW Substation, Santa Clara, CA
2017 Facebook: ATN-5/6 Data Center, Altoona, IA
2016 Facebook: VLL Data Center, Los Lunas, NM
2016 Facebook: ATN-4 Altoona, IA
2016 Amazon: A100 SF011
2016 Vantage: DM-9 Santa Clara, CA
2015 Yahoo: YCC Data Center, Omaha, NE
2015 Facebook: Iowa Data Center ATN-3 - Altoona, IA
2014 Yahoo: YCC Data Center, Lockport, NY
2014 Equinix: DC-11 Phase 2 - Ashburn, VA
2014 Microsoft: New Data Center Campus MWH01, Quincy, WA
2014 Facebook: Iowa Data Center ATN-2 - Altoona, IA
2013 Queen's University: Vulnerability Assessment - Kingston, ON
2013 QuikTrip: Infrastructure Operations Command Center Design - Tulsa, OK
2013 Tenet Healthcare: High Availability Assessment - Plano, TX
2012 MDU Resources: CFD Modeling, airflow and data center design
2012 Nuclear Regulatory Commission: IT Standard Operating Procedures Manual - Washington, DC
2012 Tencent: Cloud Computing Center Design - Tianjin, China
2011 District School Board of Niagara Falls: IT assessment and enterprise architecture re-design - Niagara Falls, ON
2011 Montgomery County, MD: Disaster Recovery assessment and design - Baltimore, MD
2011 Tribune Companies: Data Center CFD Modeling, Airflow and Rack design - Chicago, IL
2011 Joel and Jessica Dueck Residence: Construction and Electrical Installation - Robbinsdale, MN
2010 Wellington Management: IT Enterprise Architecture and Data Center Design - Boston, MA
2010 Baidu: 75MW Internet Campus Design - Beijing, China
2010 General Electric: Research and Development High Performance Computing Platform Design - Schenectady, NY
2009 Tencent: 36MW Internet Cloud Computing Campus, Tianjin, China
2009 Oceaneering: network and cable plant design - Houston, TX
2009 British Aerospace Engineering (BAE): Data Center assessment; CFD Modeling; Data Center consolidation and migration - New Hampshire, Minnesota, and Washington DC US
2009 Stantec Engineering: Owner Representative; commissioning agent - Edmonton, AB
2008 TTX: IT Enterprise Architecture; mainframe migration; data center design - Chicago, IL
2008 Rackspace: Forensic Engineering; CFD Modeling and data center optimization - Dallas, TX
2008 Allstate Insurance: IT optimization assessments - Dalls, TX and Chicago, IL
2007 Project Alleycat: Owner Representative; design consulting; commissioning oversight - Confidential USG agency and location
2006 Ann Sirpless Residence: General Construction - Milaca, MN
2006 Miami University of Ohio: Site selection and data center conceptual design - Miami, OH
2006 First Citizen's National Bank: Design-Build new data center - Dyersburg, TN
2006 National Center for Atmospheric Research: Design peer review - new high performance computing research facility - Boulder, CO
2005 Nation Archives and Records Administration: Research and development of standards for long term preservation of electronic records - Washington, DC.
2004 Lowe's Home Improvement: Data center relocation, upgrade and migration from Wilkesborough to Winston-Salem, NC
2003 Project Duckhunt: National intelligence community data center master plan - Various Cities
2002 Con Agra: New data center design and commissioning - Omaha, NE
2001 Microsoft: New MSN data center and command center - Redmond, WA
2001 Level 3: Network Node Development, North America
2001 Ford Motors: Data Center Consolidation, India, Germany, Spain, Mexico, Michigan USA
2000 Brazil Telecom: New operations and command center - Sao Paulo, Brazil
2000 GMAC Residential Mortgage: Design and commissioning new data center - Minneapolis, MN
2000 Target Corporation: Design of new Target Technology Center - Brooklyn Park, MN
2000 RagingWire Enterprise Solutions: New business start-up; business model; technology architecture; data center design and construction support - Sacramento, CA
1999 Hewlett Packard: New Data Center, Bracknell UK
1999 Reliance Industries: Network Node Development, India
1999 OptiGlobe Telecommunications: new business start-up; conceptual modeling; data center design - Sao Paulo, Rio de Janiero, Buenos Aries, South America
1999 IBM Global Services: Upgrade existing IGS infrastructure to bring into compliance with SLAs - Sumare, Brazil
1998 E*TRADE Financial Services: New EROC data center design
1998 General Motors: Critical Facilities Standards manual - Minneapolis, MN and Pontiac, MI
1998 Lower Colorado River Authority: New systems operation center; command center and data center
1997 Fortis Financial: Upgrade utility backup power systems - Woodbury, MN
1997 IBM Global Services: Upgrade mechanical and power systems - Raleigh, NC
1997 IBM Global Services: Upgrade mechanical and power systems - Southbury, CT
1996 Archon Group (Div. of Goldman Sachs): Design-Build new data center and network operations center - Irving, TX
1996 State Farm Insurance: New insurance support center program; design new IT platforms in Atlanta, Dallas and Phoenix, US
1995 Caesar's Palace: Project Manager for the new IMAX Theatre - Las Vegas, NV
1994 Fingerhut: Design-Build new credit operations center - Plymouth, MN
1994 QMR Plastics: power, lighting and communications system design for new industrial manufacturing plant - River Falls, WI
1994 Cray Research: Cary Y-MP Supercomputer installation - Eagan, MN
1993 MGM Grand Hotel: Cost control and contract administration for the Arena and Special Events Center - Las Vegas, NV
1992 General Mills Corporation: Data center vulnerability analysis and standby power system design - Golden Valley, MN
1992 Hewlett Packard: Lighting design for new gas analyzer engineering facility - Wilmington, DE
1991 General Mills Corporation: New high voltage feeder and outdoor switchgear for James Ford Bell technical laboratory - Golden Valley, MN
1991 Honeywell Corporation: new audio-visual and lighting system design for new training facility
1991 Dow Chemical: - Design new Global Technology Services site - Midland, MI
1990 State Farm Insurance: Engineering PM for new regional office addition - Murfreesboro, TN
1990 General Mills Corporation: new power and lighting design for additions to JFB technical laboratory
1989 Honeywell Corporation: power and lighting design for new electronics lab and clean room - Plymouth MN
1989 State Farm Insurance: Engineering PM for new regional office addition - Newark, OH
1989 State Farm Insurance:Engineering PM for new regional office addition - Charlottesville, VA
1988 State Farm Insurance: Engineering PM for new regional office addition - Monroe, LA
1986 Citizen's Bank NA: IBM System 36 and Burroughs Check Processing Installation, Two Harbors, MN
1986 Two Harbors Senior High School: IBM System 36 Installation, Two Harbors, MN
1985 Lake County Courthouse: IBM System 36 Installation, Two Harbors, MN
1985 Lakeview Memorial Clinic and Hospital: IBM System 36 Installation and Configuration, Two Harbors, MN
1984 Tim and Ruth Dueck Residence: design, build - Brimson, MN